B.C.’s Largest Union – 100,000 Members Strong
CUPE BC is the British Columbia division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. In our province, CUPE represents workers in nine core sectors: local government, public education, libraries, post-secondary education, transportation, emergency services, community social services, community health, and non-governmental organizations. CUPE members can be found in every region of the province, providing important public services to families, kids and communities.
There are more than 164 CUPE locals in British Columbia, each serving as the primary voice of the CUPE members within their workplace and community with the support of both CUPE and CUPE BC.
CUPE Members and Their Work
CUPE members’ work covers a wide range of classifications and a nearly countless number of jobs. Many CUPE members serve in highly technical roles that require years of education, training and experience. With such broad participation across so many sectors, virtually every public service includes CUPE members who go to work every day to support the communities in which they live as well as work.
Democratic Governance
CUPE BC is governed by an elected, 29-person executive board comprised of representation by region, by diverse communities of members, by generally elected vice-presidents, and by two full-time officers. The executive board is subject to direct oversight by members through the annual convention where delegates pass resolutions, develop strategic direction, review financial statements, and adopt the annual budget. The executive board is advised by a network of engaged members organized into 21 subcommittees.
A Voice for Every Region
CUPE is present in nearly every community in British Columbia and has several mechanisms to ensure regional representation in its work and decision-making. CUPE supports six district councils that provide a venue for locals in each region to work together and advance issues, ideas, and projects. The councils work in unison with the executive board’s regional vice-presidents to ensure members in every region are represented in decision-making.