Universities Committee

Universities Committee

Supporting university locals to work together strategically

The Committee supports university locals in the province to coordinate strategically on such common issues as bargaining, pay equity, fighting privatization, and advocating for more public funding to post-secondary education.

The Committee works to strengthen CUPEโ€™s role in the sector by recommending campaigns, government relations, and member engagement to build a more affordable and accessible system of high quality public post-secondary education for everyone.

Restoring public funding to B.C.โ€™s universities

Recent work by the Committee focused on remote work arrangements at post-secondary institutions, engagement with the B.C. governmentโ€™s post-secondary funding review, and fostering reconciliation in B.C. universitiesโ€“this included a tour of the UBC Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre.

The Committee continues to link CUPE members working at B.C. universities, seeking ways to ensure the vital work our members do on campuses is recognized. The restoration of public funding to universitiesโ€”required to fund the critical services CUPE members provide to students, staff, and facultyโ€”is also a top priority.

2023 – 2025 Committee Membership

Back row: Tony Ferreira, Nikki Seymour, Joyce Henley & Greg Melnechuk (Co-Chair). Front row: Shaneza Bacchus, Kirk Mercer, Lois Rugg (Chair), Emily Cadger & Chloe Martin-Cabanne (Recording Secretary). Missing: Shane Randall, Roger De Pieri & Micha Pesta (Staff Advisor).

Committee Members

Kirk Merer1
Regional Vice-President, Vancouver Island
Kirk Mercer
Lois Rugg
Regional Vice-President, Okanagan
Martin-Cabanne, Chloe_ARVP Metro Vancouver_2024-2025_2024 07 19
Alternate Regional Vice-President, Metro Vancouver