K-12 Bulletin #40 – A warm welcome to Minister of Education Jennifer Whiteside

We warmly welcome Minister Whiteside and look forward to working with her to support and expand the critical work CUPE members provide. As CUPE members throughout B.C. continue to go above and beyond to keep schools open during this pandemic, we are now working with a majority government committed to protecting and enhancing public services.  […]

K-12 Bulletin #39 – CUPE Roles and EAs

We have been getting questions from members about an EA Standards of Practice Working Group Survey. This is not a CUPE working group, nor has CUPE endorsed the work of this working group. CUPE has had no part in this survey. This bulletin explains the roles that CUPE fulfils for members in K-12, and specifically […]

A renewed call for international solidarity in Colombia

VANCOUVER—Despite a highly engaged citizenry and effective local campaigns for social and economic justice, CUPE’s partners in Colombia have reissued their call for international support in light of ongoing crises exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic—including the murder of labour activists and Indigenous leaders, and continuing threats of violence against those who resist unfettered corporate access […]